
Ad Sizes

Space Image Area
(width x height in mm)
Budget 85 x 50
Budget vertical 41 x 100
Budget banner 265 x 20
Economy 85 x 90
Eighth 131 x 90
Eighth vertical 85 x 120
Eighth banner 265 x 45
Standard 131 x 120
Quarter vertical 131 x 180
Quarter horizontal 175 x 120
Quarter banner 265 x 90
Third 265 x 120
Third vertical 85 x 370
Half 265 x 180
Half HV 175 x 265
Half vertical 131 x 370
Full page 265 x 370

Electronic File Specifications


Coastal Media Ltd will accept advertising material via the following delivery methods only:

Compatible (acceptable software)

Files should be created using these applications and saved & supplied as PDFs. Appropriate Distiller job options are available on request. No bleed is required.

Not compatible (unacceptable software)


Format EPS, TIFF or JPEG

Minimum resolution for images: 150dpi

Fonts & Type

Font embedding required: Yes

Font subsetting allowed: Yes

Minimum pt. size for colour type: 12pt

Minimum weight for colour type: Bold

Minimum point size for reversed type: 12pt

Minimum point size for single colour type: (100% C, M, Y or K) 6pt